martes, 7 de julio de 2009


3 comentarios:

  1. Oh Maria, congratulations! How wonderful for you. I've been thinking about you. Must have been the good news coming through. How have you been? I know it is cold and you said flu season had arrived. By spring, the baby will be coming with the warmth and new growing season.

  2. hmmmm... i was wondering why you left my blog through the baby-gaga link. but now, i know. ;D
    Congratulations on the baby!!!!!
    i cant wait to see your belly grow bigger and bigger as well as mine. LOL
    Hope you are feeling well, and i will praying for NO morning sickness for you.
    I am very,VERY happy for you!!!!
    Children are truly a blessing from God.
    Keep us updated with the baby news. :D

  3. no hay mejor recompensa que los ojos de tu hijo al mirarte, como si te agradecieran por haber venido al mundo, todos los desvelos son nada al compararse con esta profunda alegría y el mas completo amor de ser madre, te darás cuenta que el mundo de las mujeres se divide en dos, las que son madres y las que no, seras una super mami, llena de detalles para tu bebe, espero poder vernos con nuestros retoños algun dia...besos y felicidades a los dos!


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